Lesson #2: A message to young women...


I often think to myself, I wish I knew then what I know now, I wish I was taught about so many life lessons which could have avoided me going through so many difficult situations and experiences, but the truth is we can only ever receive guidance, the choices we make are our own and we learn through our experiences. We are shaped by the experiences we have and how we chose to deal with them as well as how we learn from them.

As a woman, the ways of the world can break you down, unless you build yourself up, focus on creating a firm foundation as a young woman, a foundation that cannot be shaken regardless of what you go through, negative experiences, disappointments and trying times. Let me clarify what I mean by foundation, its not financially, its mentally and physically. Your mind, health and view of yourself can propel you forward through many adversities. 

The purpose of this message to young women is to simply share my experiences and the lessons I have learnt from them. I am not perfect but I embrace my imperfections and strive to be a better version of myself for my loved ones and those I come into contact with. 

Understanding yourself

One of the fundamental things to building a foundation for yourself is by knowing yourself. You may say "this is absurd of course I know who I am", but do you really know yourself? Are there elements of who you are that are constantly maturing, evolving, learning and improving? What are your core values? What makes you happy or sad? What are your aspirations, goals and dreams for the future, do you know them and are you actively working towards these? These are a few valuable questions to ask yourself 💗

I once had a conversation with a Pastor whilst working through a difficult time in my life, the one lesson he taught me was to always remember who you are.

Lesson #2: "Remember who you are..."

At times we go through experiences that consume us to a point where we forget who we really are, and having this reminder in your toolkit is a reference point to shift your thinking and allow you to re focus. I think the message to take from this is to value yourself, remember where you have come from, what you have achieved, all you have experienced to get you to this point. All this knowledge and experience will assist you in building a firm foundation. Sometimes we just need a reminder to get us back on track... 😉


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